2015년 1월 3일 토요일

[Miryang, Gyeongnam] Ice Valley, Hobak Pond and Yeongnam Pavilion

[Miryang, Gyeongnam] Ice Valley, Hobak Pond and Yeongnam Pavilion 
The following are some key summer spots in Miryang, most popular among tourists who flock all the way there for the perfect getaway from bright city lights.
Famed for scenery and historical remains, the city’s soothing vibe lingers Ice Valley, Hobak Pond and Yeongnam Pavilion, all of which provides splendid natural views as well. 
<Ice Valley is always bustling with summer hikers.>
One of Miryang’s three wonders: Ice Valley
Summer in Korea is sizzling-hot, and it only gets worse down the southern regions of the country like in Gyeongnam. But there’s this one place in Sannae-myeon, Miryang, Gyeongnam, where water never STOPS freezing, called Ice Valley.
Ice Valley is one of Miryang’s three main wonders, along with Pyochung Monument and the Maneo Temple pumice stone.
The nearest parking lot to Ice Valley is 700 meters apart. Once you start your way up to the iconic “mystery” of Miryang, you at one point will feel a chilly breeze, meaning you’re getting close to the icicles. There’s also many rest areas on the path leading to the valley, where tourists stop by to catch their breath.
Note that you’re banned from cutting off pieces of icicles at the valley because it is said that once you do, ice will not form in that particular area, which is why the icy spots of the valley is completely off limit.
Ice starts freezing in mid-March and hits the peak from June to July on the lunar calendar. Strangely enough, the exact opposite happens during winter, when ice is known to melt away. 
<Ice Valley is located mid-way up Mount Jaeyak.>

Hobak Pond
Walk 200 meters left from the Ice Valley and youll find a pond called Hobak that pairs with a 10-meter-high waterfall. The spot where the waterfall meets the pond is a surreal kind of blue that fascinates most people dropping by.
The pond is around six meters deep and prohibited of passing due to frequent accidents. 
<Hobak Pond is one of Miryangs eight main sceneries.>

Yeongnam Pavilion, a glory that runs through the whole day
The three main pavilions in Korea are Jinjus Chokseok Pavilion, Pyongyangs Bubyeok Pavilion in North Korea, and no other than the Yeongnam Pavilion in Miryang.
Nightscapes seen from the pavilion in Miryang is actually one of the citys eight main sceneries.
From the pavilion, youll find a ravishing view of Miryang River, as well as the downtown city area. Lying inside the pavilion, visitors find a signboard reading Yeongnams Best Pavilion in Korean utterly awesome too, mostly because of the gigantic size.   
<Yeongnam Pavilion shines in the day and night.>
Theres no certain time as to when the pavilion looks most stunning, as it always is - but the nightscape seen from there is usually considered one of the best in Miryang.
Other than the night scene seen from the pavilion, a view that is seen from across the pavilion is also popular, because visitors can see the pavilion AND the establishment reflected on the Miryang River.
Theres also a night view catching Miryang Bridge and its bright lights.

Relevant information
Miryang cultural tour

- Homepage: http://tour.miryang.go.kr/
- Contact: 055-359-5114

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