2014년 12월 24일 수요일

[Geoje, Gyeongnam] Going under the sea and to the past in Geoje

[Geoje, Gyeongnam] Going under the sea and to the past in Geoje

Geoje is filled with experience-based programs in which participants can learn more the Korean society, or the world in general. 

As anything is better to feel for yourself than to simply read through books, we would like to introduce two key tourist attractions in Geoje that add joy in the process of obtaining new knowledge. 

<A field trip under the sea in Geoje Sea World.>

▶ Spending time with dolphins at Geoje Sea World

Geoje Sea World comes with 20 dolphins, most of which visitors can engage in various programs with. 

One program called the Dolphin Presentation teaches participants how the sea creature makes sounds and the location of their blowholes. 

If you want a closer look at the dolphins, try the Kiss & Hug program, in which you can touch, kiss and hug them. If you're still not satisfied, sign up for the Encounter program, in which you wear a swimsuit and get in water waist-line to feel them up-close. 

<At Geoje Sea World, pick and choose among a wide range of experience programs based on dolphins.>

Participants in the Sea Track program can swim with dolphins side-by-side four meters into the water, the most intimate you can possibly get with the creatures. Dolphin snacks are provided by the host, too. 

Those who can't swim can still join the Sea Track program because specially designed helmets are shared at the spot. 

And for visitors who don't want to get in water at all but are still willing to see the dolphins up-close can enter the underground observation room and stand just a glass wall away from the animals. 

Operation hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and entrance fees are 15,000 won for adults and 12,000 won for teenagers. Elders and infants under three years old are free of charge. For more information, visit htpp://www.geojeseaworld.com

▶ Historic Park of Geoje P.O.W. Camp, exploring a life as a soldier 

Understanding Korea is understanding the 1950-53 Korean War that has torn this country down, and away from what is now known as North Korea.

In Geoje, documents and relics of soldiers who fought during those painful years are on display at the Historic Park of Geoje P.O.W. Camp. 

The tour begins when passing a steel bridge written com62ound on it, which was actually used as a military passageway. Replicas of prisoners are clustered near the entrance of the P.O.W. Camp, and when looking up, you'll see guards staring down with fierce eyes. 

<Experience the life of a war prisoner in Geoje.>

The P.O.W. Camp is located on an enormous compound with over 20 establishments, including the Diorama Hall, the Uprising and Crash of POW building, and a fountain plaza. 

Located at the far-left side of the compound is the Diorama Hall, which is most popular among tourists due to its live war environmental settings. Everything from a shattered bridge and refugees, to dead soldiers helplessly lying on the ground is on wide display to show how tragic it all was six decades ago. 

<Fascinating war displays>

For a real-life experience of war, except all the blood and drama, head to the 1950 Experience Hall.

One program provided at the hall involves walking through a maze and going on a time travel back to the 1950 war. At the end of the maze are sculptures and videos of the Korean War. 

There's also a shooting program in which participants can try clay shooting or target shooting.  

Not everything is make-belief at the P.O.W. Camp in Geoje because actual prisoner camp buildings from wartime are displayed at one corner. Tanks and helicopters that were once mobilized in the combat against communists are also widely spread. 

※ Relevant information
▶ Geoje Sea World
Address: 478-1 Sodong-ri, Ilun-myeon, Geoje, Gyeongnam (18 Jisepo Coastal Road Ilun-myeon, Geoje, Gyeongnam)
Contact: 055-682-0330

▶ Historic Park of Geoje P.O.W. Camp 
Address: 362 Gohyun-dong, Geoje, Gyeongnam
Entrance fee: Adult 4,500 won, children 1,500 won
Operation hours: 9 a.m.-6 p.m. (Closing time 5 p.m. in winter)
Contact: 055-639-0625 
Homepage: http://www.pow.or.kr

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