2014년 5월 28일 수요일

Bugok Hawaii, a multifaceted adventure for all

-Korea's (literally) hottest hot spring, measured at 172 degrees Fahrenheit

Chosun.com Media Report Team

If you've already tried local saunas to relieve fatigue but found the results fruitless, come to Changnyeong County in Gyeongnam, where the hot spring Bugok Hawaii is just the place for you.

The five-star hotel comprised of 200 rooms, indoor and outdoor pools that reach 78 degrees Celsius (172 degrees Fahrenheit all year-round, massage rooms and refreshing dining areas will have you feel like you've stepped into paradise.

<Bugok Hawaii is a multipurpose resort available for visitors of all ages.>

Built in 1979, Bugok Hawaii is equipped with a hot spring, water park, zoo and garden among others. There's also a theme park and taxidermy museum.

Bugok Hawaii is most frequented for its hot spring, themed as the 'Country of water.' The hot spring is further divided into an indoor pool, (Korea's largest) outdoor pool and water park.

<Visitors dabble at Bugok Hawaii's water park.>

Enjoy a tour around the outdoor hot spring, where there are a valley, open-air pool, sauna and rest areas. Especially at the open-air pool, an artificial valley paired with scores of trees create a scene of authentic beauty. A dip in the pool will surely release a year's worth of stress.

If you're wondering why you should make the long drive to the hot spring when you have a sauna located at the corner of your neighborhood, here's your answer: Hot springs are effective for muscle aches and blood circulation. The germanium sauna, in particular, is effective for kidney functioning, age prevention and skin care.

<The indoor pools at Bugok Hawaii are exotically themed as a jungle.> 

The indoor hot spring is flanked with rugged natural rocks and tropical plants. The "jungle" is subdivided into several zones like the red clay sauna, pearl spa, infrared light cave sauna and the cave hot spring. Among these options, the cave hot spring is most popular among tourists due to its distinctive view.

For the children, there's always the indoor water park, comprised of a children's pool and slides. Facilities are open for adults as well.

<Enjoy the Bugok Hawaii's feminine touch at the tropical garden.> 

Bugok Hawaii is visited by floods of visitors every year because its waters are known to be rich in diverse minerals such as silicon and chlorine, which are effective for skin/respiratory diseases.

For more information about the hot spring, visit Changnyeong County's homepage (http://eng.cng.go.kr/main/) or Bugok Hot Springs' homepage (http://bugok.cng.go.kr).

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