2014년 6월 18일 수요일

The 3 epic tastes of Miryang, Gyeongnam

Chosun.com Media Report Team media@chosun.com

 What fun would a journey be without tasting the most popular local dishes? Dining is a very important aspect of Korean culture, as sensed from the proverb, "Even a tour around Mount Geumgang comes after eating your meal." The old saying shows how traveling can be so much better when your stomach is full.

Miryang in Gyeongnam has some of the finest dishes, and today we will introduce three: Black goat bulgogi, grilled freshwater eel and pork and rice soup.

<Black goat bulgogi, grilled in its finest form>

#A bite of black goat bulgogi will melt in your mouth

Black goat is rich in protein and calcium, which substances are known to be good for curing bone disorder. The dish is also abundant in iron, which proves efficient for anemia, and its exuberance in vitamin E works well for preventing aging.

The black goats cooked in Miryang are usually a year-old, raised at restaurants or bought nearby. Once they're caught, the goats are immediately dressed by soy sauce, sugar, garlic and sesame oil.

<Black goat bulgogi is a mouth-watering, nutritious treat.>

Just gently place the meat on top of the gridiron, and there you have your bulgogi! The chewy, protein-rich dish is a taste you'll die for. For a bit of spiciness, add pickled vegetables on the side.

In Miryang, black goat bulgogi is sold for 40,000 won for two persons on average. But the firework of marvelous flavors will assure you that the price isn't as expensive as it may seem!

<Pork and rice soup is a whole different story in Miryang.>

# Pork and rice soup

What makes pork and rice soup in Miryang so deliciously different from those in other cities is that the stock is made out of beef, not pork.

Many people think pork and rice soup traditionally comes from Busan because refugees during the Korean War (1950-53) used to frequently cook that dish in the southern port city. But in fact, Miryang has been specialized in the dish as early as the Japanese colonial era (1910-45).

There are many ways to enjoy a decent dish of pork and rice soup like seasoning with salt or pickled shrimp. But for that perfect taste, try mixing seasoned chives into the bowl!

<Summer's best stamina health food, the Miryang grilled freshwater eel>

# Grilled freshwater eel

Last but not least, we introduce you to the grilled freshwater eel, exuberant in protein and vitamin A, which purifies the eyes and elasticizes the skin. (The dish has 420 times much the amount of vitamin A than pork.)

Miryang's grilled freshwater eel is crispy on the outside, tender on the inside. Those who ate the dish in a different place sometimes say they're too greasy, but a fresh new bite in Miryang will make you think again.

The most popular grilled freshwater eels in Miryang are served at Arang Jangeo Gui (+82-55-355-3895), Gogung Garden (+82-55-355-1369) and Cheongsujeong (+82-55-391-3866).

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