2014년 12월 26일 금요일

[Changnyeong County, Gyeongnam] An eco-trip

[Changnyeong County, Gyeongnam] An eco-trip 

The southern regions of Korea boast untouched natural sceneries that are rare - if not impossible - to find in the city life, and Changnyeong County is certainly no exception. 

There, you'll find Upo Wetland, Bugok Hawaii and Mount Hwawang, all fascinating destinations you must add on your itinerary when dropping by Changnyeong. 

<Upo Wetland redresses itself every hour, everyday.>

▶ Upo Wetland, an ecological tourist attraction 

Of all the plants living in Korea, around 10 percent, or 430 different kinds, live in Upo Wetland, the largest natural swamp in Korea. Aquatic plants and migratory birds create an epic scene in winter for the throngs of visitors from all over the country. 

The primitive low bed wetland, formed over 100 million years ago, is largely influenced by the change of seasons because plants, animals and insects featured at the location change throughout the year.

The total size of Upo Wetland is 5,550 square kilometers, but the hottest tourist spots are the Somok Village and the Mokpo Bank because both places guarantee the perfect sunrise and sunset. The fantasy-like pinkish atmosphere as the sun tiptoes down the horizon is what marvels local photographers who go for a shot. 

▶ Bugok Hawaii, a cool splash in summer and a hot bath in winter

Designated as a national tourist destination in 1977, Bugok Hawaii, also known as the Bugok Hot Springs, is crowded with tourists year-round, due in part to its fine waters, which contains around 20 kinds of minerals that are effective for one's skin and healing respiratory diseases. 

<The multi-complex resort comes with a zoo, outdoor and indoor swimming pools and shopping centers, among others.>

One key reason why the establishment is thronged with so many visitors is that it covers a wide range of facilities that at first glance, seems irrelevant to the hot springs. People who drop by can walk through the botanical garden and watch cultural performances, beside warming down in hot spring waters. 

The Bugok Hawaii Ice Festival launched on Christmas Day and is planned to run through February next year. The annual festival features fun ice sculptures including characters from the "Avengers."
▶ Mount Hwawang and its vibrant colors throughout the year

Mount Hwawang is a steep mountain that was previously chosen as one of Korea's 100 main mountains, and also one of the 100 most popular mountains. 

Hiking courses take around four hours to complete.

<Mount Hwawang is a paradise of azaleas in spring, and silver grass in fall.>

The mid-size mountain changes colors every season. In spring, we recommend taking the east-side fortress course on the mountain, because that way, you can best see the heart-pounding spring flowers. 

In fall, endless yards of silver grass spread before you near the summit, and the scene is so captivating that many locals go all the way to Changnyeong County just to take a picture of the peerless beauty. 

<Mount Hwawang is a sea of silver grass in autumn.>

Mount Hwawang is a popular hiking venue because at 758 meters, it's only a big higher than Mount Cheonggye (618 meters) of Seoul. 

※Relevant information

▶ Upo Wetland
- Address: 220 Uponeup-gil, Yueo-myeon, Changnyeong-gun, Gyeongnam
- Contact: www.upo.or.kr / 055)530-1553~6 

▶ Bugok Hawaii
-Address: 77 Oncheonjungang-ro, Bugok-myeon, Changnyeong-gun, Gyeongnam
-More information: www.bugokhawaii.co.kr / 055)536-6331
-Bugok Hawaii Ice Festival; Dec. 25-Feb. 1

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