2014년 12월 28일 일요일

[Namhae County, Gyeongnam] Exotic adventures in Namhae

[Namhae County, Gyeongnam] Exotic adventures in Namhae

There are so many popular villages in Namhae County that entice tourists from all over the county, especially those who are expats from the U.S. and Germany. 

Meet Daraengi Village, American Village and German Village. 

  <Daraengi Village in Namhae County.>

# In spring, Daraengi Village turns yellow with rape flowers

Daraengi Village comes alive every spring when rape flowers are in full-bloom and covers the entire neighborhood. Daraengi translates to a terraced paddy field.

The perfect venue to see the captivating spring flowers in a single view is the pavilion, located at the very top of the village. From there, you'll see the vast, shimmery sea, divided into yellow and blue. 

<Daraengi Village presents various intriguing attractions.>

The Jigegil (road), a 2.5-kilometer hiking trail, is a popular tour course around the village, which spreads along the shoreline. 

A festival is held at Daraengi Village annually around June, which provides various agricultural programs for visitors, like planting rice, catching loach and riding a sleigh in the rice fields. It's a great chance to learn more about Korean agriculture. 

<German Village in Namhae County.>

# German Village, the home of native Germans 

Find a miniature version of Germany in Namhae, where German-natives actually live in. Everywhere you go, you'll hear words in German like hallo (hello), guten morgen (good morning) or auf wiedersehen (good bye).

All establishments were built German-style, with construction materials directly imported from the European country. Accommodations are provided in some houses, too. 

<The Statue of Liberty at American Village in Namhae.>

# Meet the Statue of Liberty in Namhae 

American Village comes with 22 U.S.-style houses and the Statue of Liberty, which all take around an hour to tour through. There are also some guest houses for those who are willing to relish the vibe for longer periods. 

# Touring around Namhae County

From Seoul to Namhae County, express bus rides usually take 4.5 hours. Travelers in Namhae County usually walk or take a taxi. 

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