2014년 12월 27일 토요일

[Sancheong County, Gyeongnam] Go high and low (altitudes) in Sancheong

[Sancheong County, Gyeongnam] Go high and low (altitudes) in Sancheong

We've mentioned before how Sancheong is distinguished for producing some of the finest quality of oriental medicine. This time, we'll take you on a journey to some of the most exciting programs you can enjoy while there. Who's up for climbing all the way up to Korea's second-highest mountain peak, or rafting in rapid currents?

<Relish Korean culture at Namsayedam Village.>

▶ Namsayedam Village, where a traditional vibe fills the air

Established near Mount Jiri, Namsayedam Village is one of Gyeongnam's two main hanok villages, along with Hahoe Village in Andong. Hanok refers to a traditional Korean house. There are around 40 hanok at Namsayedam Village, all linked together by stone walls. 

The largest house in the village is known as the Choi Jae-ki House, and the oldest is the Lee Sang-taek House, both actual homes to people. 

<When visiting Namsayedam Village, follow the brick wall.>

Some houses in the village offer traditional culture experience programs, in which participants can learn Korean etiquette and tea. Staying overnight is possible, but make sure to make reservations in advance. 

▶ Peak Cheonwang, the second-highest peak in South Korea

Mount Jiri's Peak Cheonwang (1,915 meters) is so high that it literally soars above clouds. Watching the sun rise from the second-highest peak of South Korea is a dream that every hiker carries as they start climbing Mount Jiri, but as spectacular as it sounds, it's that hard, too, due to fog. 

There are many ways to reach Mount Cheongwang, like from Gaecheonmun of the east side or the Tongcheonmun of the southwest side, so make sure you thoroughly study hiking tracks before leaving. 

<Peak Cheonwang is the highest peak of Mount Jiri.>

▶ Gyeongho River, the pinnacle of summer rafting

Flowing right beside an expressway is the Gyeongho River, one of the most well-known summer rafting venues in the country, in large part to its fast currents and broad width. 

<People swarm to Gyeongho River every summer to enjoy water sports.>

The 16-kilometer course comes with scenes of Mount Jiri (1,915 meters) and first-ranked, clear waters, not to mention five exhilarating zones of rapid torrents. 

Reservations are recommendable for summer rafting programs due to high popularity. Near the river, you'll find various forests as well, where people go for camping.   

※ Relevant information
▶ Sancheong cultural tour
-Homepage: http://tour.sancheong.go.kr
-Contact: 055-970-6000

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